Sunday, November 1, 2015

Toronto Startup Open House

This Thursday I checked out the Toronto Startup Open house. 

For one day the Startups of Toronto open their doors and average Joe's can come in and see how they work and play. 

I must say it was a great event for networking,  information and just general fun. 

I checked out a couple of startups from Shopify,  Brainstation,  Hurrier,  Orchad and more. 

The best part of the event was just seeing the start up culture. Start Ups are particularly interesting to me at this point of my life because I am interested in technology and entrepreneurs.  It seems at there events every other person is trying to start a company or has a company of their own. 

In fact I met Sandra who is doing airbnb like me and has 5 properties so far.  She also was in France last year.  It seems like we have the same life. 

Peace from Toronto.